This is often one area that college students struggle with the most. No one wants to gain the infamous Freshman 15. Here are someways to avoid the extra weight:
- Keep healthy low calorie snacks handy
- Fruit (grapes stay good in the fridge for a while)
- nuts (be careful of trail mixed filled with chocolate and peanut butter, while filling stay to the serving size)
- 100 Calorie packs
- Dried fruit
- Granola bars
- Do not restrict yourself from everything, moderation is best to keep your sanity
- Drink plenty of water
The one thing no one can seem to get enough of. Studying until the wee hours of the morning is sometimes crucial to fit in other activities and fun. Sleep is essential, but not to be cliche, you can sleep when you dead.- Take naps in your longer breaks between classes
- Catch up on sleep on the weekends
- And if all else fails that is what coffee and energy drinks are for
Making time for exercising can be as difficult as finding time to sleep, but simple things like always taking the stairs can really add up. Here are some tips on keeping up with your fitness:
- Walk! Everywhere, between classes, and on study breaks. Walking is easy and can be used to clear your mind when studying or to take a moment to prepare for tests
- Try in-room these exercise routines.
- They are simple and take anywhere from 5 minutes to 25 minutes
- Take the stairs
- Take advantage of your college's athletic centers. They are usually free and have a ton a equipment
College socializing, even in high school, can be stressful. Socializing can be nerve racking for some people, here is how to make it a little easier
- Leave your comfort zone
- that being said in certain situations (parties, alone with someone you are attracted to, etc) be careful. Have fun but also realize the risks
- Don't be too cool for something
- if there is a campus sponsored dance that seems lame, but you don't have any other plans, go! Who know it could be great!
- If some one makes eye contact with you, smile back
- People are more open to friendly faces
- When you find a seat in class don't sit completely alone
- Be apart of clubs and organizations, they are great places to meet people with similar interests
Love Always,
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